Have questions? We’ve got answers. Check out our list below of frequently asked questions. If you need more information, please reach out and we will be happy to discuss your project.

Can you provide financing for primary residences?

NO, these programs are for investment properties only.

Do you fund new investors with no experience?

Yes, we provide financing for both new and experienced investors

Do you perform a hard or a soft credit pull?

There will be a hard credit pull for all programs.

Are tax returns required for any program?

No, we don’t verify income.

What states do you lend in?

We provide financing in all states.

Do you finance residential and commercial properties?

Yes, we finance both residential and commercial properties.

What documents are needed to qualify?

Valid drivers license, Articles of Organization, EIN document, Signed Operating Agreement, Good Standing Certificate, Two Months Bank Statements, Insurance Declaration Page, Purchase Agreement (if applicable) Scope of work (if applicable) Executed lease Agreement (if applicable) Title Insurance Policy and Appraisal. Upon review, the underwriter may require additional documents.